Corrie & Dr. Bricker pose with Winston shortly before he is released to go home. |
Winston was suffering from a septic abdomen, a deadly invasion of bacteria inside his abdominal cavity typically caused by a foreign body or traumatic injury. An ultrasound revealed diseased lymph nodes so emergency surgery to remove the tissue causing the infection was performed, and treatment to clear the infection began. Survival rates for septic abdomens are less than 50% but quick action to rid Winston of the deadly infection gave his doctors and family hope for a speedy recovery.
Winston, however, was plagued with all the complications you don’t want to happen and he spent the next week in critical care with his doctors fighting each new obstacle that came along. Once his biopsies came back it was clear that the underlying cause for his condition was cancer. At the time, veterinary oncologist, Dr. Childress, was available for consultation here and the needed cancer drugs on site so chemotherapy began immediately. Winston turned the corner in short order and was released from the hospital, returning only as an out-patient for continued chemotherapy.
Faced with such an uphill battle, everyone involved would have understood had Winston’s family decided to let him go, but somehow that wondrous non-verbal communion between dog and owner signaled them both to keep trying. Speaking with Winston’s family, and seeing how they interact with him, makes it clear that the human/animal bond enriches our world and encourages a belief in something greater.
Winston Home Again |